Introduce customer journey strategies successfully

Over 200 guests celebrated the summer and the art with Qualysoft

In conversation with Elisabeth Rosak, Principal Business Value Consultant at Qualysoft Austria. The expert for Big Data Analytics and CRM has been working for well-known players in the past and was able to significantly contribute to the company's success by successfully designing and implementing customer journey strategies in their previous stations.

Achieving the digital transformation and constantly creating extraordinary customer experiences are challenges that many companies face. What are the current developments in this area?

Customers expect a seamless customer journey anytime and across devices, products and services. Companies like Facebook, Google, Uber, Amazon or Netflix set standards that consumers expect in all industries today. Big Data Analytics is becoming more and more important and is used, for example, to provide recommendations for addressing hundreds of micro segments in communication or displaying the best search results. Companies that fail to adapt to changing customer needs risk lost sales and bad customer reviews.

Are digital natives less loyal customers than the generations before?

They are loyal to fewer companies, but to a good customer experience. The buying behavior has changed, customers are informed in advance exactly about the purchased product. Consumers expect transparent information, simple purchasing processes, and trusted partners when sharing their personal information. Successful companies succeed in addressing these new customer needs in a targeted manner and thus gaining or retaining new customers. Generating added value through digital engagement, ease of use, security and privacy are central to a successful customer experience.

How do you help your customers implement a successful customer experience strategy?

We support our customers in optimizing their customers' customer journey at all touchpoints. For an energy provider we have u.a. Smart metering data integrated in the customer portal as well as in the CRM. Thus, the end customers benefit from a larger range of services, have a transparent overview of their own consumption and can optimize it.