Ranorex Testsuite

Focus on your application, not your automation - let Ranorex handle the complicated details of test automation

Accelerate testing for desktop, web and mobile applications with Ranorex

The comprehensive Ranorex Studio toolset empowers testers with a full set of tools for easy no-code automation, plus a full IDE and open API. The broad technology support makes it possible to automate tests for the most challenging legacy applications as well as for the latest web and mobile technologies. Use Ranorex to create coded API tests, combine them with your UI test runs and take advantage of execution capabilities and detailed reporting.

Build absolute cross-platform tests from a single test suite without the need for complicated context switching.

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All-in-one solution for your ERP needs

Same-day Productivity

Rapidly build and deploy reliable, maintainable automated tests – with or without coding – with easy-to-use tools and a built-in methodology that enables testers to create modular automation scripts that are efficient and easy to maintain without programming expertise. Reach your test automation goals faster with Ranorex Studio.

Achieve Test Automation Goals

It is important that everybody can contribute to test automation, especially when the responsibility for the quality of a product is split between the team members. As Ranorex Studio supports keyword-driven testing, you can ensure that each person’s skill is put to the best use.

Keep Maintenance Low

Short release cycles are producing software that is continuously evolving and updating automated tests requires considerable effort. The Ranorex Studio object repository enables you to easily manage all your UI elements in one place.

Accelerate the Feedback Loop

Integrate automated testing in your CI/CD environment and monitor the impact of software changes on the system. You can trigger smoke tests for every code change. Run your full regression suite in parallel or distributed on a Selenium Grid and get results in a fraction of the time.

Easy for Beginners, Powerful for Experts

Beginners can build sophisticated tests with our codeless automation tools; testers who prefer to build automation modules using standard programming languages can use the development environment.

Automate Testing for any Technology

Whether you are testing a legacy desktop application or a native app for the latest mobile devices, a single Ranorex Studio license has all the technologies that you need.

Share, Reuse and Foster Collaboration

With a shareable object repository, reusable code modules for keyword-driven testing, support for source control providers Git, SVN and TFS, and even a “Magic Merger” tool that reduces merge conflicts, Ranorex Studio is built for collaborative teams.

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