
Next Generation CRM

Qualysoft and Creatio are partners since the beginning of 2019. Qualysoft contributes the experts for Customer Experience Management and Creatio the adequate platform. Together we can offer the perfect base to bring our customers' digitization process to the next level.

Next Generation CRM: all about Business Process Excellence

Creatio is a premium provider of process-oriented, cloud-based software for marketing, sales and service automation. The beauty and core value of Creatio products are the out-of-the-box processes that quickly lead the user to more efficient processes through ready-made processes. Users love Creatio's responsive interface with its "social look and feel," free of redundant information that keeps it focused on the essentials.

Creatio is a global company with offices in Boston, London, Melbourne, Singapore and Kiev and with thousands of customers supported by more than 500 partners all over the world, while Qualysoft ist one of the biggest partners in the DACH-area. This has enabled Creatio to build a product and platform that has been widely recognized by leading analysts at Forrester and Gartner, including being named as LEADER in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Sales Force Automation in 2019.

Thousands of companies worldwide have choosen Creatio to help them deliver a world-class customer experience. The numerous clients are diverse, which reflects the flexibility of Creatio to fit their business.

Creatio was investigating over the last few years and has discovered 4 key findings.

  • First, implementing business software is often long and painful.
  • Second, user adoption continues to be a problem. Despite the advancements, over the last 15 years user adoption has been one of the top 3 reasons why CRM initiatives fail.
  • Third, all of these disconnected applications that companies implement creates misalignment and silos in the organization.
  • Fourth, business software typically makes it hard to change quickly.