The last step is to setup a build and deployment pipeline which automatically builds the docker image and deploys it into the ECS cluster.
Jenkins → Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins
Unfortunately, we have to create multiple credentials due to the plugins not using the same credentials format.
Jenkins → Credentials → System → Global Credentials → Add new credentials (http://localhost:8081/credentials/store/system/domain/_/newCredentials)
Create "Username with Password" Credentials in Jenkins using the CodeCommit HTTPS access credentials
Create "Secret text" Credentials in Jenkins using the Access Key as ID and associated Secret Key as Secret
Jenkins → Manage Jenkins → Configure System → Configuration of Amazon SQS queues: http://localhost:8081/configure (bottom)
The URL of the queue can be found in AWS SQS. Click on the queue and look at the details tab.
Important: Don't forget to save your changes!
Create "Username with Password" Credentials in Jenkins using the Access Key as Username and Secret Key as Password
Jenkins → New Item
Create a String parameter named BUILD_TAG.
After having configured the SQS Access we can use the queue to trigger the build.
Now that we have set up Jenkins and the Amazon account we can start writing the pipeline.
The basic structure of a Declarative Pipeline in Jenkins looks like this:
pipeline { agent any environment { } stages { stage("stage one") { steps { } } } }
In the following examples we will use:
Change these to your bucket and repository.
To make the pipeline more maintainable we are going to have 5 environment variables:
Groovy implementation Extend source
environment { //ecr uri //example ECR = "" ECR = "<your uri here>" //image name IMAGE = "springio/gs-spring-boot-docker" //pom.xml version VERSION = "0.0.0" //Stack name STACK = "MyWebServiceStack" //Commit hash COMMIT = "" }
That way, we do not have to make changes multiple times in the pipeline.
Jenkins Pipeline uses rules identical to Groovy for string interpolation. Groovy’s String interpolation support can be confusing to many newcomers to the language. While Groovy supports declaring a string with either single quotes, or double quotes, for example:
String declaration
def singlyQuoted = 'Hello' <strong></strong>def doublyQuoted = "World"
Only the latter string will support the dollar-sign ($
) based string interpolation, for example:
String and GString
def username = 'Jenkins' echo 'Hello Mr. ${username}' //single quote <strong></strong>echo "I said, Hello Mr. ${username}" //double quote
Would result in:
Hello Mr. ${username} I said, Hello Mr. Jenkins
This stage we will clone the git repository from CodeCommit and checkout a tag, if specified.
Determining what to checkout
If a tag is defined (manual build) and it exists in the repository, we are going to checkout that tag. Otherwise we will build the latest commit.
If no tag is defined (automated build) we are going to build the latest commit.
After performing the checkout we set the environment variables COMMIT and VERSION.
Example Stage extend source
stage('Checkout') { steps { git url: '', credentialsId: 'CodeCommitCredentials' // ID of HTTPS CodeCommit credentials script { if("${BUILD_TAG}" != "") { echo "Searching for tag: ${BUILD_TAG}" //output returns: // the tag if the tag exists // "" if the tag does not exists def output = bat(script: "@ git tag -l \"${BUILD_TAG}\"", returnStdout: true).trim(); echo output if("${output}" == "${BUILD_TAG}") { echo "Tag found" echo "Building tag \"${BUILD_TAG}\"" bat "git checkout ${BUILD_TAG}" } else { echo "Tag \"${BUILD_TAG}\"not found" BUILD_TAG = ""; echo "Building latest commit" } } else { echo "Building latest commit" } //escape % with a second % -> %% COMMIT = bat(script: "@ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%%h", returnStdout: true) //read version from pom.xml VERSION = readMavenPom().getVersion() } } }
This stage will build the .jar and test the application.
Building with Maven
To make the.jar files traceable we will append the tag/commit to the image name:
To achieve this we will use the Maven Versions Plugin
script { // VERSION is read from pom.xml bat "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${VERSION}-${BUILD_TAG}" }
Displaying test results
Displaying the test results should be done even if the build fails. That is why we will put this step inside the post-condition block always.
Archiving built jar
If the build succeeds we are going to archive the built jar in the S3 Bucket, so that it is accessible from anywhere, unlike Jenkins' archiveArtifacts step.
Example Stage
Example Stage extend source
stage('Build jar with Maven') { steps { script { // VERSION is read from pom.xml if("${BUILD_TAG}" != "") { bat "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${VERSION}-${BUILD_TAG}" } else { bat "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${VERSION}-${COMMIT}" } } bat 'mvn clean install' } post { always { //show junit test results junit 'target/surefire-reports/*.xml' } success { //push artifacts to s3 bucket (.jar) script { withAWS(region: 'eu-central-1', credentials: 'AWSCredentials') { // ID of the AWS credentials //upload built jar to s3 bucket s3Upload(bucket:'qstutorialbucket', includePathPattern: '**/target/*.jar', path:'builds/') } } } } }
This stage will build the docker image.
In order to build the docker image with a specific tag instead of using the default tag latest we have to use the option dockerfile.tag in our build command:
Example Stage extend source
stage('Build docker image') { steps{ script { //always tag docker image with commit hash bat "mvn dockerfile:build -Ddockerfile.tag=${COMMIT}" //if build tag exists, tag image if("${BUILD_TAG}" != "") { bat "mvn dockerfile:tag -Ddockerfile.tag=${BUILD_TAG}" } } } }
This stage will tag the docker image so that we can push it to the ECR.
Example Stage extend source
stage('Tag/Push docker image') { steps { script { //login aws with credentials withAWS(region: 'eu-central-1', credentials: 'AWSCredentials') { // ID of the AWS credentials //get login for ecr (returns command to execute in terminal) def ecrLogin = ecrLogin() //execute command bat ecrLogin } //tag image with commit hash for ecr bat "docker tag ${IMAGE}:${COMMIT} ${ECR}:${COMMIT}" bat "docker push ${ECR}:${COMMIT}" //if build tag exists, tag image for ecr if("${BUILD_TAG}" != "") { bat "docker tag ${IMAGE}:${BUILD_TAG} ${ECR}:${BUILD_TAG}" bat "docker push ${ECR}:${BUILD_TAG}" } } } }
This stage will deploy the CloudFormation.
If the stack does not exist yet, the pipeline will deploy a stable version of the CloudFormation (defined in the repository) and then try to update it with the newly built docker image.
Checking if Stack exists
This check returns if the stack defined in the environment variable STACK already exists.
returnStatus returns the error code of the script:
Therefore we only have to check if output is 0 to see if the stack exists.
Groovy implementation extend source
script { output = bat(script: "aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK}", returnStatus: true) if(output == 0) { //Stack exists } if(output != 0) { //Stack does not exist } }
Deploying a stable version
If the stack does not exist yet, we will deploy a stable version first. If it does already exist, we can skip this step.
The stable docker image should be defined in the .yaml files in the repository.
The pipeline will then take the stable configuration and push it to the S3 Bucket. That way, CloudFormation can access the configuration.
Groovy implementation extend source
script { withAWS('eu-central-1', credentials: 'AWSCredentials') { //upload cloudformation folder to s3 bucket s3Upload(file:'cloudformation/', bucket:'qstutorialbucket', path:'cloudformation/') def output = bat(script: "aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK}", returnStatus: true) //if stack doesn't exist, create if(output != 0) { //start cloudformation, deletes stack if failed cfnUpdate(stack: "${STACK}", url:' cloudformation/master.yaml', onFailure: 'DELETE') } } }
Swapping the image
In order to swap out the current docker image with the newly built one, we will have to modify a .yaml file that contains a reference to the docker image that is being used.
The .yaml file we have to edit is service.yaml.
To make a change to the CloudFormation Stack we will have to do the following:
Groovy implementation extend source
script { //read current service.yaml def yamlAsText = readFile file: 'cloudformation/services/website-service/service.yaml' //replace current image with new one def modifiedYamlAsText = '' //if build tag exists, replace image with newly built image tagged with build tag //else, replace image with newly built image tagged with commit hash if("${BUILD_TAG}" != "") { modifiedYamlAsText = yamlAsText.replaceAll(/Image:\s.*/, "Image: ${ECR}:${BUILD_TAG}") } else { modifiedYamlAsText = yamlAsText.replaceAll(/Image:\s.*/, "Image: ${ECR}:${COMMIT}") } println modifiedYamlAsText //write changes to file writeFile file: 'tmpChange.yaml', text: "${modifiedYamlAsText}" //upload new service.yaml to s3 s3Upload(file:'tmpChange.yaml', bucket:'qstutorialbucket', path:'cloudformation/services/website-service/service.yaml') //update stack cfnUpdate(stack: "${STACK}", url:'', onFailure: 'ROLLBACK') }
Example Stage
In the end, this stage should look similar to this:
Example Stage extend source
stage('Upload S3/Deploy CloudFormation') { steps { script { withAWS(region: 'eu-central-1', credentials: 'AWSCredentials') { //upload cloudformation folder to s3 bucket s3Upload(file:'cloudformation/', bucket:'qstutorialbucket', path:'cloudformation/') def output = bat(script: "aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK}", returnStatus: true) //if stack doesn't exist, create if(output != 0) { //start cloudformation, deletes stack if failed cfnUpdate(stack: "${STACK}", url:' cloudformation/master.yaml', onFailure: 'DELETE') } output = bat(script: "aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK}", returnStatus: true) //if stack exists if(output == 0) { //make change in service.yaml //read current service.yaml def yamlAsText = readFile file: 'cloudformation/services/website-service/service.yaml' //replace current image with new one def modifiedYamlAsText = '' //if build tag exists, replace image with newly built image tagged with build tag //else, replace image with newly built image tagged with commit hash if("${BUILD_TAG}" != "") { modifiedYamlAsText = yamlAsText.replaceAll(/Image:\s.*/, "Image: ${ECR}:${BUILD_TAG}") } else { modifiedYamlAsText = yamlAsText.replaceAll(/Image:\s.*/, "Image: ${ECR}:${COMMIT}") } println modifiedYamlAsText //write changes to file writeFile file: 'tmpChange.yaml', text: "${modifiedYamlAsText}" //upload new service.yaml to s3 s3Upload(file:'tmpChange.yaml', bucket:'qstutorialbucket', path:'cloudformation/services/ website-service/service.yaml') //update stack cfnUpdate(stack: "${STACK}", url:' cloudformation/master.yaml', onFailure: 'ROLLBACK') } } } } }
Now that we have configured everything, a commit followed by a push to our repository will trigger our Jenkins Pipeline.