Az albán adórendszer digitális átalakulása

Digitális innováció a C@TS E-Tax szoftverrel

How Qualysoft the General Directorate of Taxation (GDT)

with a new, efficient, secure, and transparent tax administration system.


A worldwide priority is to improve tax collection services and make tax administration more accessible and efficient.
Albania makes no exception, aspiring to a culture of voluntary tax compliance.


The Challenge

Reimagining the relationship between citizens  and government through E-Taxation Software

Albania’s General Directorate of Taxation (GDT) aims to increase the efficiency of tax collection, and promote transparency. The fiscal administrative system dates back to the 1990s and needs to be upgraded with the latest technology. By improving the system, payments should be effortless for everyone, secure, and widely used among the population.

The business challenges were the following:


1. Business processes

The first challenge was designing many complex business processes through content-driven workflows. The framework leverages finegrained custom components that greatly decrease development costs and timelines when new policies and legislative initiatives are approved.

2. Bridging

Improving the relationship between taxpayer and tax administration through a platform that streamlines and digitalizes obsolete paper-based processes. Taxpayers that have direct access to personal tax records and financial obligations are three times more likely to pay their taxes.

3. Predictability

Forecasting tax revenues are equally important for governmental and local entities to support and budget infrastructure projects, and social or healthcare programs. Benefiting from a large number of digital sources, cross-checking the information and building relevant reports becomes effortless.

All-in-one solution for your e-Taxes


Qualysoft teamed up with WedoIT-Solutions and INFINICA as strategic partners to provide a sophisticated large-scale tax administration application in only 18 months.


The integrated tax administration system consists of:


A. A core tax administration system;


B. A web portal for taxpayers.



Project Details


In the development of this highly complex software, Qualysoft and WedoIT Solutions worked in close cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These entities supervised the project, contributing with technical and process-oriented know-how regarding statistical analyses, risk assessment, and data exchange.


CLIENT INDUSTRY Public Sector, Tax services

SERVICES PROVIDED new all-in-one online taxation software

ALLOCATED TEAM SIZE Qualysoft assembled 2 teams consisting of 30 IT talents from 6 countries (Albania, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia, and Austria) that understand financial administration processes. They made the digital transformation process smooth and efficient by understanding the processes.

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PHASES 1.C@TS installation 2.Hardware installation 3.Inception phase 4. Live prototype 5.Step-by-step implementation of the 12 tax types 6.Services implementation 7.Migration and regression test 8.Live launch 9. Warranty


TECHNOLOGIES USED C#, .NET, Angular, Docker, Microservices, Redis, Open Stack, SQL Server, SSRS, SSIS, WebMVC, IIS, WCF, Office


Albania now benefits from a custom tailored IT tax administration system that significantly increases the efficiency of tax collection.

On one hand, the new e-tax software encourages voluntary tax compliance by simplifying taxpayer service and compliance. It allows taxpayers to file, report, and pay various taxes, including value-added tax (VAT) and income taxes, easily from home or work through the Internet. Citizens even receive electronic notices and tax-related documents online. On the other hand, the tax administration efficiency improved, and, at the same time, the costs and administrative burden is reduced. Operations are carried out in a flexible, secure, and paperless approach through online portals, significantly reducing the cost of administration. The processing time for both companies and citizens is also lowered.


The overall benefits, for both citizens and the government, are:

  • Improved collection of tax revenue
  • Transparency from a reliable and trustable public administration
  • Easy to use self-service processes like filing and reporting
  • Efficient risk management and antifraud measures
  • Cost savings on administrative activities
  • Automatic double bookkeeping and less room for human error

On an economic level, the main advantages are the following:

  • Albania’s tax revenue increased considerably after the implementation of the C@TS solution from Qualysoft.
  • Albania was recognized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the ease of use of the online system for filing and paying taxes¹
  • “The changes within GDT can have a major impact on the future of Albania. When citizens feel the GDT is efficiently running and that staff are acting with integrity and treating all citizens fairly, they are more likely to voluntarily comply with the tax laws and pay their fair share of taxes.” - Nonie Manion, Executive Deputy Commissioner from the New York State Tax Department .
  • “Tax administration will help boost the investment climate through measures that lower compliance costs faced by taxpayers and promote integrity among tax officials” - Vasilika Vjero, head of Albania’s General Directorate of Taxation²
  • “The changes within GDT can have a major impact on the future of Albania. When citizens feel the GDT is efficiently running and that staff are acting with integrity and treating all citizens fairly, they are more likely to voluntarily comply with the tax laws and pay their fair share of taxes.” - Nonie Manion, Executive Deputy Commissioner from the New York State Tax Department²